Find The Perfect Combination For Your New Fence & Home Exterior
New England is known for all different types of homes ranging from classical Tudor styles to modern duplexes and modest ranch homes. While there are literally hundreds of thousands of combinations for fence colors, styles and materials, there are some classic combinations and guidelines that you can follow to set your home exterior up for success. Review some of our favorite options below to find the best fit for your home.
Red Brick House: White Picket Fence
A red brick house is one of the more classic and distinguished styles of American homes. With such a Bold and earthy color typically combined with crisp clean white shutters and frames, the best way to complement this style of home is with another American favorite: the simple white picket fence. The height of this fence will depend on whether your home is a ranch style or multiple stories. A hip-length fence would keep one-floor homes from looking too compact and modest, and a fresh row of tall white boards or vinyl would add to the classical feel of larger brick homes. Don’t distract from the unique, classical nature of your home with anything too industrial or decorative when you can stand out with a simple and classic look.
White Shingle Home With Black Shutters: Black Aluminum Fence
A popular and more modern style, white shingle homes with black framing are attractive to Young homeowners and conservative crowds alike. This simple but bold and striking combination stands out from the safe and half measure beiges, baby blues and pale yellows that will mark most streets across the country. Having such deliberate contrast in starkness calls for an equally bold and simple option for your fence: a black aluminum or steel fence. This type of fence holds up well in any climate, and it looks elegant and strong without taking attention away from your beautiful siding into the details of your window frames. The structure of these fences also allow you to see through, so your beautiful home won’t be covered or obscured if you’re looking to make a statement. This modern fence solution is essential for any fan of a clean aesthetic.
Dark Brown Rustic Home: Light Stained Exposed Wood Grain Fence
If your desired aesthetic is rooted in earthiness and a connection to nature, your rustic wood paneled home may very well be stylish and desirable with the right accessories. Having a rich, dark exterior can be a bold but sensible option for those who shudder at a canary yellow or bubblegum pink home and wish to have a more understated but respectable home. This type of woodland aesthetic pairs beautifully with a lightly stained exposed wood grain fence. The key with this combination is the light wood color; you shouldn’t be looking to match the hue and darkness of your home but rather complement it with some light contrast. You wouldn’t want anything that looks too brand new or man-made like white vinyl or shiny aluminum, as it would clash with the rest of your home. Having a properly treated yet minimally obscured wood grain on your fence brings out that natural beauty and subtle variations of color that can add complexity to the darkest, most dense and tree-packed home exterior. Stick to the natural look in the right shade and your organic looking home will stand out as the gem of your block.
Classic Cape House: White Acrylic Fence or Lightly Treated Wood Fence
Homes built in the Cape Cod style usually include light grays and blues in their exterior with visible shingles and wood framing. It’s a nautical mix of rustic and classical home exterior design that displays a sense of charm and eye for history. Since Cape homes do not sway to far towards either side of the “rustic vs. modern” spectrum, you have a few options that depend on your exterior color and your taste. A bright white vinyl fence will pair well with any gray or washed out colored homes to add contrast and some sharpness to the soft, sun bleached aesthetic. This will keep your home looking tastefully classical rather than outdated. If your home is already more modern in its textures and painted in any shade of blue or light green, a lightly treated fence would be a great alternative. In this case, the rustic pine color and warmth of the wood will contrast nicely with cool colors and modern trim. No matter which direction you go, your Cape House will be the envy of any New England native.
Blue/Cool Color Two Story Home: High Warm Wood Fence
If you have the luxury of a tall, two story home with a bright blue, green, or lavender exterior, you have a great deal of flexibility with your fence and trim. While it’s hard to disagree with the clean aesthetic, versatility, and easy upkeep of a brand new white vinyl fence, you can get more creative with a warm wooden fence option that will really let your home’s color pop. A higher fence, from 6-9 feet, would bring a warmth to any cool color home and allow your yard and shrubs to pop with color while giving you added privacy. The strong vertical lines of a tall fence can also lead the eye straight up and down your home, making it feel more impressive and spacious from the outside. Depending on your home color and preference, you can either let some wood grain show through in the staining process or go high matte with a light burnt sienna hue paint and seal. Either way, this fence and siding combination will certainly result in a breathtaking home and great curb appeal.
Bold Color Ranch Style Home: Low White Wooden Fence
If you have a ranch style home that favors convenience over height, you still retain decent flexibility with your fence choices. Depending on the color of your home, you could consider a small chain link fence option to really let the color show through and bring a modern industrial flair to your home’s aesthetic, but you also can never go wrong with a classic white picket fence. Instead of dwarfing your home with massive planks, however, it is recommended that you try a 3-4 foot fence to add structure to your property without covering your beautiful color, yard and shrubbery. The simple white color will provide a proper amount of contrast to whichever color you choose, warm or cool, and it will tie together your property into a cohesive look.
No matter what style of home that you have or what your desired aesthetic and color scheme is, you can find the perfect color, material, and height to compliment your exterior rather than cover or compete with it. Contact your local fencing expert today to request an estimate on your next home project!
About Geary Fence
Geary Fence is a family-owned and operated full-service fence contractor specializing in residential and commercial fencing. Please feel free to contact us via email or phone, and we will gladly answer any questions you have or provide any information that you need including a free estimate!
Professional Fence Installation
Geary Fence & Installer Services is a family owned and operated full-service fence company specializing in residential and commercial fence of all styles and types. If you’re thinking of installing a new fence or pool enclosure, call the local experts at Geary Fence & Installers today!
Professional Fence Installation
Geary Fence & Installer Services are a family owned and operated full-service fence company specializing in residential and commercial fencing of all styles and types. If you’re thinking of installing a new fence or pool enclosure, call the local experts at Geary Fence & Installers today!